Others | proje (management information system)

proje (management information system)

2 kişi
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Görev Detayı

Analyze the information of an organization of your choice.
Systems analysis is performed using Data Flow Diagrams. You are to draw Level 1 DFD's by expanding Context Diagram and Level 0 Diagram. The assignment is performed as follows:
Pick an organization and explain the organization briefly.
Draw Organizational Chart explain its structure.
Draw main Workflows and explain the operations
Pick a system and analyze or develop systems.
Draw Context Diagram
Draw Level 0 Diagram
Draw Level 1 Diagram(s)
The DFDs must be consistent with the organizational chart and the workflows.

Bütçe: 450 TL

İşin Yapılacağı Konum: ONLINE
Görevin Başlangıç Tarihi: 12-01-2021
Görevin Bitiş Tarihi: 18-01-2021
Kategori: İçerik Hazırlama